"She takes readers beyond the corporeal, fleshy narrative, slipping instead into the availability of relationships found in the finery of her subconscious. She truly mirrors the unbound artist in us all, cutting us loose in a conceptual installation of weaving verse."

-Sonja Horoshko, visual artist and writer

Chapbooks & Anthologies

“Illustrious for Brief Moments,” Finishing Line Press (2021) $16.00

“Art is healing, it has been said, poetry is healing. And when times are as dark as these, poetry, words that are spun from a kind heart and woven from keen sight and caring, create beauty that is especially healing, for to name the dark and treat it with delicacy and grace is a comfort and a gift. Renee Podunovich‘s Illustrious for Brief Moments (and what moments are not brief?) is an acknowledgement and a celebration of both the dark and the light, of both the doubts and the certainties that moment by moment make our lives. We need such art.” -Rafael Jesús González, Poet Laureate, City of Berkeley, California

“Step between the lines of Renee Podunovich’s “Illustrious for Brief Moments” and you descend with the poet’s heart, the poet’s art to become undone, undone, and undone again until there is nothing left to undo. Renee calls us to the pulse of stars and deer, trees, stone, birds, shadow, waters, flesh and blood where we attend, we journey immense moments, we strike bone. Her work is of the deft dreamer casting a sensuous alchemy, yet you may trust her to finally deliver you “…unbound, whole, tender in the mending.” Go here now.”

Cassandra Leoncini, Scrivener, Astro-Ceremonialist

"LET THE SCAFFOLDING COLLAPSE”, Finishing Line Press (2012) $16.00

  “These are poems of thirst and hunger, more hiss than hush, more jazz, more blaze, more pluck. Renee Podunovich has a ferociousness to her work that pulls us in and pushes us to step outside what is comfortable into the world that is charged and changing.” -Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, The Miracle Already Happening and Holding Three Things at Once

“Renee Podunovich excels in her newest collection. The journey through these evocative vignettes leads us to the powerful understanding that we need to “Trust the empty spaces” and “let the scaffolding collapse.” The characters in each poem reflect our own Divine Human Experience, and Podunovich treats our vulnerabilities with tenderness and wise insight.” -Robin Stratton, Editor, Boston Literary Magazine, author On Air and Then She Ran

"IF THERE IS A CENTER", Art Juice Press (2008) First Edition $25.00

Note: This book is currently Out of Print. Maybe a second edition will be forthcoming. A few are out there still in global distribution and e-bay sellers.

"In this collection of poems, Renee Podunovich's visions are transparent panes allowing the reader the warmth and light of a larger view. She returns from journeys beyond the daily world with medicine which explodes in us 'with no limits, other than the filter of our hearts'. Her passionate words form conduits through which we can meet our higher selves." -Cynthia West, author, Rainbringer and The New Sun.

 “If There is a Center is Podunovich’s debut collection that takes readers beyond the corporeal, fleshy narrative, slipping instead into the availability of relationships found in the finery of her subconscious. She truly mirrors the unbound artist in us all, snaps us back into hyper-reality by looking just beyond the edge of the scene where she sees a slight movement in the shadows. Fearlessly, Renee constructs meaning from the vapors of her heart using firm language while aligning syntax, line breaks and precise metaphor to cut us loose in a conceptual installation of weaving verse.” -Sonja Horoshko, artist, writer

"Fertile: Anthology of Poems and Prose from the High Desert and Mountains of the Four Corners Region", Fourth Corner Press (2023) $30.95

“In many origin stories the concept of “word,” or “language,” is synonymous with creation. Formulating thoughts and expressing them through words reveals an entire universe of belief, place, and spirit. Language is power. FERTILE is a collective narrative of exceptional southwest contemporary authors examining the complex inspiration and influence our home planet transmits through human life. It replicates the inclusivity of the first book, WET. This second volume invites the authors to reach into Earth- surface, mantel, core and exosphere, and share personal stories with you, including many first languages, Dine, Nuchu, Hopi, Zuni and Mvskoke used by indigenous writers.” - Rebecca Levy, Fourth Corner Press, Cortez Cultural Center

"Wet: An anthology of poems and prose from the high desert and mountains of the four corners region", Share house Press (2021) $21.95

“Our invitation brought thirty writers to the edge of the well. Look deeply, we said, into the experience of water as a living entity. We asked them to stir memory, to summon the stories that lay quiet on the bottom. We asked them to take off their journalism hats, their political buttons, the causes and date many write about to survive. We asked the writers to put aside settlement papers, policies, water shares and the tally of straws in the Colorado River. And then we asked them to speak love to water, instead.” - Sonja Horoshko, Editor, Artist